Intressanta “papers” och böcker online
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Nordström, B. et al;
“Programming in Martin-Löf's Type Theory”
; 1990
Acar, A. Umut et al;
“Imperative Self-Adjusting Computation”
; 2008
Carlsson, Magnus;
“Monads for Incremental Computing”
; 2002
Acar, A. Umut et al;
“Adaptive Functional Programming”
; 2002
Cardelli, Luca;
“On Understanding Types, Data Abstraction, and Polymorphism”
; 1985
César Mũnoz;
“Type Theory and Its Applications to Computer Science”
; 2007
Milner, Robin;
“A Theory of Type Polymorphism in Programming”
; 1978
Tullsen, Mark;
“Compiling Haskell to Java”
; 1996
Tullsen, Mark;
“First Class Patterns”
; 2000
Schrijvers, Tom et al;
“Type Invariants for Haskell”
Meyer, Bertrand;
“Genericity versus Inheritance”
; 1986
Dos Reis, Gabriel och Järvi, Jaakko;
“What is Generic Programming?”
; 2005
Lämmel, Ralf och Visser, Joost;
“Design Patterns for Functional Strategic Programming”
; 2002
Schrijvers, Tom et al;
“Type Checking with Open Type Functions”
; 2008
Flanagan, Cormac;
“Hybrid Type Checking”
; 2006
Hudak, Paul et al.;
“Arrows, Robots, and Functional Reactive Programming”
Vinju, Jurgen J.;
“A type-driven approach to concrete meta programming”
; 2005
Syme, Don et al.;
“Combining Total and Ad Hoc Extensible Pattern Matching in a Lightweight Language Extension”
; MSR Technical Report MSR-TR-2007-33 (F#)
Lengrand, Stéphane och Miquel, Alexandre;
“Classical F
, orthogonality and symmetric candidates”
; 2007
Coutts, Duncan et al.;
“Stream Fusion - From Lists to Streams to Nothing at All”
; 2007
Altenkirch, Thorsten et al.;
“Why Dependent Types Matter”
; 2005
McBride, Conor;
“Epigram: Practical Programming with Dependent Types”
Manualen till
, ett programmeringspråk med beroende typer
Barendregt, Henk;
“Introduction to generalized type systems”
; Catholic University Nijmegen; Journal of Functional Programming; 1991
Girard, Jean-Yves;
“Proofs and Types”
; Cambridge University Press; 1989
Jones, Mark P.;
“Typing Haskell in Haskell”
; (
); 2000
Peyton Jones, Simon;
“Tackling the Awkward Squad: monadic input/output, concurrency, exceptions, and foreign-language calls in Haskell”
; Microsoft Research, Cambridge; 2008
Reppy, John och Xiao, Yingqi;
“Toward a parallel implementation of Concurrent ML”
Odersky, Martin och Zenger, Matthias;
“Scalable Component Abstractions”
Syme, Don;
“Leveraging .NET Meta-programming Components from F#”
; Microsoft Research, Cambridge; 2006
Finifter, Matthew et al.;
“Verifiable Functional Purity in Java”
; 2008
Hinze, Ralf och Jeuring, Johan och Löh, Andres;
“Typed Contracts for Functional Programming”
; 2006
Thiemann, Peter;
“A Typed Representation for HTML and XML Documents in Haskell”
; Universität Freiburg
Pang, André T. H. och Chakravarty, Manuel M. T.;
“Interfacing Haskell with Object-Oriented Languages”
; 2004
Wadler, Philip;
“How enterprises use functional languages, and why they don’t”
; 1998
Camarão, Carlos och Figueiredo, Lucília;
“ML Has Principal Typings”
; 2005
Mitchell, John C. och Harper, Robert;
“The Essence of ML”
; 1987
Milner, Robin;
“A Theory of Type Polymorphism in Programming”
; 1977-1978; Journal of Computer and System Sciences
Vardi, Moche Y. et al.;
“On the Unusual Effectiveness of Logic in Computer Science”
; 2001; (
The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic
Sørensen, Morten Heine B. och Urzyczyn, Paweł
“Lectures on the Curry-Howard Isomorphism”
; 1999
Garcia, Ronald et al.;
“A Comparative Study of Language Support for Generic Programming”
; Indiana University Bloomington; 2003
McCarthy, John;
“Recursive Functions of Symbolic Expressions and Their Computation by Machine, Part I”
; Massachusetts Institute of Technology; 1960
Petříček, Tomáš och Syme, Don;
“AFAX: Rich client/server web applications in F#”
Hutton, Graham och Meijer, Erik;
“Monadic Parser Combinators”
; University of Nottingham; 1996
Zenger, Matthias och Odersky, Martin;
“Independently Extensible Solutions to the Expression Problem”
Haller, Philipp och Odersky, Martin;
“Event-Based Programming without Inversion of Control”
Odersky, Martin och Wadler, Philip;
“Pizza into Java: Translating theory into practice”
; 1997; Proceedings of the 24th ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL'97), Paris, France
Wadler, Philip;
“The Girard-Reynolds Isomorphism”
(second edition); University of Edinburgh
Cardelli, Luca och Wegner, Peter;
“On Understanding Types, Data Abstraction, and Polymorphism”
; 1985
Meijer, Erik och Fokkinga, Maarten och Paterson, Ross;
“Functional Programming with Bananas, Lenses, Envelopes and Barbed Wire”
Cardelli, Luca;
“A Semantics of Multiple Inheritance”
; 1988
Cardelli, Luca;
“Typeful Programming”
; 1989
Barbara H. Liskov och Jeannette M. Wing;
“A New Definition of the Subtype Relation”
; 1993;
Barbara H. Liskov och Jeannette M. Wing;
“Behavioral Subtyping Using Invariants and Constraints”
; 1999; CMU-CS-99-156;
Church, Alonzo;
“A Formulation of the Simple Theory of Types”
; 1940
Kühne, Thomas;
“A Functional Pattern System for Object-Oriented Design”
; 1999
Touretzky, David S.
“COMMON LISP: A Gentle Introduction to Symbolic Computation”
; Carnegie Mellon University; 1989
Mu, Shin-Cheng och Ko, Hsiang-Shang och Jansson, Patrik;
“Algebra of Programming using Dependent Types”
Rayside, Derek och Campbell, Gerard T.;
“An Aristotelian Understanding of Object-Oriented Programming”
; 2000
Fähndrich, Manuel och Rustan, K. och Leino, M.;
“Declaring and Checking Non-null Types in an Object-Oriented Language”
; Microsoft Research
Gasiunas, Vaidas och Mezini, Mira och Ostermann, Klaus;
“Dependent Classes”
; Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany
Kennedy, Andrew och Russo, Claudio V.;
“Generalized Algebraic Data Types and Object-Oriented Programming”
; Microsoft Research
Moors, Piessens, Odersky;
“Generics of a Higher Kind”
Cardone, Felice och Hindley, J. Roger;
“History of Lambda-calculus and Combinatory Logic”
; 2006; Swansea University Mathematics Department Research Report
Felleisen, Matthias och Findler, Robert Bruce och Flatt, Matthew och Krishnamurthi, Shriram;
“How to Design Programs - An Introduction to Computing and Programming”
; The MIT Press
Lindley, Sam och Wadler, Philip och Yallop, Jeremy;
“Idioms are oblivious, arrows are meticulous, monads are promiscuous”
; Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science; University of Edinburgh
Cook, William R. och Hill, Walter L. och Canning, Peter S.;
“Inheritance Is Not Subtyping”
; Hewlett-Packard Laboratories
Steele, Guy Lewis Jr. och Sussman, Gerald Jay;
“Lambda - The Ultimate Imperative”
; 1976
Löh, Andres och McBride, Conor och Swierstra, Wouter;
“LambdaPi - An Implementation of a Dependently Typed Lambda Calculus”
; 2008
Sider, Theodore;
“Logic for Philosophy”
; 2007
Wadler, Philip;
“Monads for functional programming”
; University of Glasgow
Loader, Ralph;
“Notes on Simply Typed Lambda Calculus”
; 1998
Andrew J. Kennedy och Benjamin C. Pierce;
“On Decidability of Nominal Subtyping with Variance”
; Microsoft Research
Felleisen, Matthias;
“On the Expressive Power of Programming Languages”
; Department of Computer Science Rice University
Krishnamurthi, Shriram;
“Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation”
; Brown University; 2003
Turbak, Lyn;
“S-Expressions, Parsing, and Unparsing”
; Wellesley College; 2003
Akers, Robert L.;
“Strong Static Type Checking for Functional Common Lisp”
; 1993
Hughes, John;
“Why Functional Programming Matters”
; Institutionen för Datavetenskap, Chalmers
Wadler, Philip;
“The essence of functional programming”
; 1992; University of Glasgow
Harper, Robert;
“Type Systems for Programming Languages”
; 2000
Thompson, Simon;
“Type Theory & Functional Programming”
; Computing Laboratory, University of Kent; 1999
Emir, Kennedy och Russo, Yu;
“Variance and Generalized Constraints for C# Generics”
; Microsoft Research
Ernst, Erik;
“The expression problem, Scandinavian style”
; Dept. of Computer Science, University of Aarhus, Denmark
Tobin-Hochstadt, Sam och Felleisen, Matthias;
“The Design and Implementation of Typed Scheme”
Culpepper, Ryan och Tobin-Hochstadt, Sam och Flatt, Matthew;
“Advanced Macrology and the Implementation of Typed Scheme”
Doets, Kees och van Eijck, Jan;
“The Haskell Road to Logic, Math and Programming”
; 2004
Loader, Ralph;
“The Undecidability of λ-Definability”
; Oxford University
Sabry, Amr;
“What is a Purely Functional Language?”